A male first name derived from the Latin of “the sea” and also the name of the famed Roman God of War. The name is emblematic of Provence, France, but it was in Camargue, in Saintes Maries de la Mer -- a village seemingly at the end of the world was born
Marius Barry....
Fisherman, both father and son,
shellfish and fish,
To Geoffrey, his son, Marius passed on his work ethic and his passion for seafood and what the sea has to offer.
Cooking allowed his son to learn and travel from Arles to Tangier, via London and Paris, then to Kazakhstan, to Brussels, and it is here in Mont Tremblant, alongside his wife, that he decided to establish their restaurant MARIUS.
That was their story,
that has become our story.
Let us tell you about our travels through food, marrying our Mediterranean roots and our culinary experience.
Let us invite you to discover flavors from near and far, while respecting our land and sea.